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Featured Tanning Beds

At Electric Beach, we do not require reservations.  We feature five different types of UV tanning as well as our UV free Mystic Tan & Norvell Airbrushing.  To become familiar with our beds, please read about each below, but the best way to truly understand the difference is to visit our salon and take a tour.

Master Sun Tanning Bed 


The Quickest high powered sun tanning bed is our highest-intensity and highest-quality tanning bed; The Master Sun.  Sessions are six to ten times stronger than the quick beds and are up to 15 indulgent minutes in length for all clients, no matter the skin tone.  Tanners who use this bed can get a dark, natural base tan in only two to three sessions, making it the absolute fastest way to get a natural, golden brown glow.


The results of the Master Sun are also much longer lasting than any other sun tanning beds.  That's because the specially designed lamps in the beds that produce UVA and UVB in different ratios compared to conventional tanning units.  The result is a richer, darker, and longer-lasting sun tan than what can be achieved by other beds.

 Alpha 6800 Tanning Bed 


The Alpha 6800 is the Next Generation of High Pressure Tanning.  Old High Pressure Tanning Beds Only Tan the Inner Layers of Skin, leaving the Outer Layer of Skin Un-Changed.  The Tanner Only Sees the Tan Skin After the Outer Skin Exfoliates Off.

The Alpha 6800 Has the Ability of Tanning the Inner and Outer Skin Layers, and as Your Outer Skin Exfoliates Off, the Skin Now Coming to the Surface is Already Tan.   For Your Comfort, this Mega Bed has Misters, AC and Aroma Therapy. 

S-Class Tanning Bed

This is the only bed with AfterBronzers® that offer you an additional 2 minutes of face tanning - FREE!  Customize your session with 5 fully-adjustable intensity levels of facial tanning plus separate adjustable body strength controls.  Contoured acrylics for exceptional comfort.  Fully adjustable interior climate control with built-in air conditioning. Frosted acrylics to deliver maximum color. 

Giant Sun Tanning Bed


The Sungate offers cutting edge technology to enhance your tanning experience It comes equipped with 4 high intensity facial tanners that can be adjusted to your preferred level of exposure. This unit features a maximum tanning time of 10 minutes and is designed to stimulate melanin production and oxidation better than any unit in it’s class. It is a Super Bronzing Bed.

Sun Capsule - VHR Ultra 10


Vertical tanning at its best!  Forty-eight 160-watt bulbs completely surround your body to give you an even bronzing that you would find hard to accomplish any other way.  The internal fan moves air through the unit to keep you cool and perspiration-free.  So turn up the tunes, and, if the mood hits you, dance your way to a perfect tan.

© 2014  All Rights Reserved   Electric Beach Tanning

    Scarsdale, Westchester, Eastchester, NY

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