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UV Goggles


Eye shields have offered uncompromising protection for your eyes both indoors and outdoors since 1957. Features a lightweight, comfortable plastic frame in bright neon with a high-rise nose bridge to eliminate tan lines and an elastic headband to assure perfect fit.  Blocks over 99.9% of the UV-B rays and over 99% of UVA rays while allowing vision and meets all FDA’s 21 CFR 1040.20 UV ray protection.  Specially designed lenses offer maximum protection for high pressure and standard UV tanning, as well as red light treatments.  Available in classic or neon colors; choose the color & packaging you’d like to wear.

WINK - EASE Stickers


Much like stickers, Wink-Ease disposable eye covers are packaged on paper backing. Remove each Wink-Ease and holding with the adhesive side up, fold into an overlapping cone sized to fit your eye.  Fit the cone into your eye socket and pat gently to secure in place.  Wink Ease protects the entire surface of the eye from the harmful effects of UV exposure.  Wink Ease is lightweight.  Many tanners report that Wink Ease eye covers are more comfortable than traditional tanning goggles.  The clever construction of Wink Ease eye covers allows wearers total visibility. Users can move around the studio or adjust their tanning sessions in protected comfort.  The adhesive holds Wink Ease in place even when standing.  With Wink Ease, there’s no need to clean or disinfect goggles or glasses. Simply discard Wink Ease after use.

UV Products

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    Scarsdale, Westchester, Eastchester, NY

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